3/4 Full: Blessings From a New Perspective

Are you, or someone you know struggling with a challenging, tragic, or bewildering life situation and just don’t know how to cope?

I invite you to find solace in my book, ¾ Full, Blessings from New Perspective, where I share insights and lessons I learned that profoundly changed my understanding of life and death.

  • Mindset is one of the most important things when dealing with a loss of any kind -- the loss of a relationship, a job, your health -- or the loss of a loved one.

  • Meditation illuminated my mindset and steadied my emotions as I helped my son through surgery, chemotherapy and eventually to help him cross over in peace. He taught me early on that mindset was key to a positive outlook.

I share the lessons I learned and the meditation techniques that I used during this time.

My hope for you is that you will find inspiration from my story.